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made with the family

Feudibi is a family brand that has its roots in the land, history and tradition of the Montenero di Bisaccia community. A small village in Molise surrounded by nature a few steps from the sea.


A land of transhumance, crossed since time immemorial by shepherds and pilgrims who came from all over to reach the ancient basilica of the Madonna di Bisaccia along the ancient paths of the tratturo.


In fact, a few steps away from our farm it is possible to admire a unique scenery, a picture of a rural and natural environment characterized by the gullies , the place where the painting of the Madonna was found, to which the sanctuary is dedicated. It is a painting on a rather heavy oak wood panel by an unknown author whose story is told and handed down from generation to generation and has come to us through the memory of our loved ones.


Tradition has it that this painting was found right inside the cave immersed in the badlands by a shepherd who had sought refuge there with his sheep during a storm.


The sanctuary of Bisaccia is a distinctive element that distinguishes this village and from which the brand draws inspiration: Feudibì. In fact, it is the most tangible sign of the love and beauty of a community, immortalized in which some shots where women, men and children contribute to the construction of this place, bringing water with jugs, giving their time and your work.


Today we too want to carry on this tradition. It is a mixture of dreams and desires, fundamental ingredients for cultivating, planning and staying ...


Stay in your own land to keep it and narrate it with innovation and sustainability. Just like the women and men of this community did, each contributing to the growth and development of their own territory.

Our olive oil is all this ... and much more!


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